Always wear your invisible crown

From Barcelona With Love
I can't think of any brand of lingerie that is sexier than Andres Sarda. It is my brand of choice, as Sarda pieces hug a girls curves like nothing else...
From Barcelona With Love
I can't think of any brand of lingerie that is sexier than Andres Sarda. It is my brand of choice, as Sarda pieces hug a girls curves like nothing else...

I am fascinated by Beacon Hill. The people I meet are always interesting, most have a lot to say, and 90% of the time I enjoy the conversations I have....
I am fascinated by Beacon Hill. The people I meet are always interesting, most have a lot to say, and 90% of the time I enjoy the conversations I have....

always wear your invisible crown.
There is no feminine ideal. I keep looking for one to emulate, but have realized that person cannot be found.I’ve worked with so many women over the years and realized...
always wear your invisible crown.
There is no feminine ideal. I keep looking for one to emulate, but have realized that person cannot be found.I’ve worked with so many women over the years and realized...